Evidence Suggests Violent Protestors Weren’t Trump Supporters

(ConservativeStar.com) – Thousands of people attended the “Save America” rally in support of President Donald Trump and his fight against election fraud in the country. The president made an appearance at that rally to encourage his supporters to never cave to the people who would try to strangle basic freedoms that the nation is built upon. Shortly after this, a group of people stormed the Capitol building, forcing an evacuation and the police to use …


Multi-Million Dollar Dominion Contract Brokered by Former Brian Kemp Staffer

(ConservativeStar.com) – One of the biggest scandals to emerge from last November’s elections was the role of Dominion Voting Systems and the machines they’ve sold to hundreds of counties across the US. Now, there’s fresh evidence of how the political establishment is allegedly enriching itself through the sale of those machines – without caring what harm it does to our democracy. On December 17, investigative reporter Paul Sperry revealed that a $107-million contract for Dominion …


Kamala Harris Appears to Plagiarize Martin Luther King Jr.

(ConservativeStar.com) – When friends get together swapping stories about their pasts, it’s harmless fun to be a bit of a braggart. Can the same be said for a political candidate who isn’t just bragging, but stealing from another person’s work? Such is the case with Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) and her oft-told tale of being lost at a civil rights rally when she was a child and when her mother found her and asked what …


D.C. Mayor Encourages Citizens to Stay Home During Pro-Trump Events

(ConservativeStar.com) – Authorities have received requests for permits for several rallies on January 6, to protest the alleged irregularities found in the November 3, 2020 election, state officials’ refusals to investigate, and in support of President Donald Trump. However, the city’s Mayor, Muriel Bowser, and groups like Black Lives Matter (BLM) are insisting on portraying them as a threat to people living in the nation’s capital and surrounding cities. I am asking Washingtonians and those …


Trump Privately Met with House Republicans to Discuss Electoral College Rejection

(ConservativeStar.com) – On January 2, 2021, President Donald Trump, Representatives Mo Brooks (R-AL) and Jim Jordan (R-OH), and approximately 50 other Republicans held a conference call to discuss how to challenge the Electoral College vote. On January 6 when Congress meets to certify the results, a combination of people from each chamber plans to use the law to challenge the validity of Joe Biden’s alleged victory. SENATOR JOSH HAWLEY (R-MO) JOINS 30+ CONGRESSMEN IN OBJECTING …


2020: A Look Back at Who We Lost

(ConservativeStar.com) – Celebrities, notable public figures, and even politicians often play a major role in our lives. While we might not know them personally, they become just as much a part of the fabric of our existence as an extended family member or colleague. Perhaps that’s why some of us feel their loss so acutely when they pass on. While we may never be able to bring them back, we can work together to keep …


Could a Third Party Candidate Ever Win Presidency?

(ConservativeStar.com) – It’s a tale as old as America itself: election time rolls around, and you can’t stand the Democratic candidate OR his Republican contender. Maybe it’s their attitudes, maybe it’s the platforms… either way, you don’t feel comfortable voting for either of them, but you still want to cast your vote. There is another option — third-party candidates. The only problem is that no such person has ever managed to secure the Presidency in …


How Social Media Censorship Can Effect Democracy

(ConservativeStar.com) – Social media is a double-edged sword. While it can bring us together, providing us with a platform for activism and connection, it can also cause serious damage in the wrong hands. You’ve probably witnessed this first-hand throughout the last four years, as sites such as Facebook and Twitter actively sought to censor Conservative voices. At its most basic level, censorship is flat-out annoying. It’s akin to having someone cover your mouth when you’re …


2 Things We Learned in 2020 About Our Right to Protest

(ConservativeStar.com) – Social and political unrest swept through mostly Democratic-led cities for months in the wake of George Floyd’s death, a black man who died in police custody on May 25, 2020. So-called peaceful protests led by Antifa members and Black Lives Matter activists turned violent, leaving citizens panicked, homes and businesses burned out or otherwise destroyed. In the wake of those riots, Americans came to grips with two realities regarding the right to protest. …


2 Records Trump Broke in 2020

(ConservativeStar.com) – In his term in office, President Trump worked hard to put America first. Every time he created a policy, it was with that in mind. Along the way, he broke many records and accomplished things previous presidents claimed were “impossible.” Here are two of his biggest accomplishments: Financial growth and resilience: Under President Trump’s administration. The Dow has surged, hitting 20,000 for the first time in January of 2017 and breaking 30,000 just …
