BROOKLYN, NY – A heartbreaking incident has unfolded in Brooklyn, where a 1-year-old girl has died after being found with severe injuries in her home. Law enforcement officials have now declared her death a homicide. The child was discovered in a state of unconsciousness in her Crown Heights residence on St. Marks Avenue, near Nostrand Avenue, last Friday evening. A 911 call from a male alerted authorities to the child’s dire condition.
The toddler was swiftly transported by emergency services to Kings County Hospital Center, where her mother, aged 29, joined her. Initially listed in critical condition, she was later moved to Maimonides Medical Center. Tragically, she did not survive her injuries and passed away on Wednesday.
The young girl had suffered significant trauma to her head and had fractures in her femur. Her death has now been officially classified as a homicide. While no charges have been filed yet, detectives are reportedly interviewing several individuals linked to the case.
The mother initially told detectives that her daughter had choked after drinking too much milk. She also claimed that she was out shopping when the child fell unconscious. An autopsy is currently being conducted.
The child’s parents had a previous case with the city Administration for Children’s Services, but no further details were provided. The girl’s 2-year-old brother was also removed from the home, but he was found to be unharmed.