Car plows through crowd of people during New Year’s Eve celebration

NEW YORK CITY, NYC – A vehicle crashed into a crowd of New Year’s Eve revelers near Madison Square Garden in New York City, resulting in at least five reported injuries. Among the victims were three New York Police Department (NYPD) officers.

The tragic incident happened around 1:40 am, just as throngs were leaving nearby Times Square after observing the iconic ball drop to welcome in 2024. The vehicle reportedly jumped the curb and struck both pedestrians and police officers before coming to a halt.

The driver of the car, a 44-year-old man, is currently held in custody at Bellevue Hospital. It is reported that the police were in pursuit of the vehicle prior to the accident.

Images from the scene indicate three vehicles involved in the calamity: two black cars and one yellow taxi. A video captures a man being stretchered away, appearing conscious.

According to the New York Post, the incident started when police intervened in a dispute. One of those participants tried to flee the scene at high speeds, leading to the crash. The Post also reports that a woman was trapped against a food truck, and the operator of the truck was among those injured.

The NYPD had a large force patrolling New York City on New Year’s Eve due to heightened security measures. Mayor Eric Adams, however, affirmed there were no specific threats to the city’s end-of-year celebrations.

Despite no specific threats, police created a “buffer zone” around the party area to deter potential demonstrations. Last year, on New Year’s Eve 2022, an assailant wielding a machete injured three police officers not far from Times Square.