Child dies after being run over by his school bus

FLORIDA – A heartbreaking accident occurred in suburban Orlando, Florida, where a 9-year-old schoolboy died after being run over by his school bus. The boy, a student at Lawton Chiles Elementary School, was retrieving a dropped football under the bus when the unaware driver started to move, causing the fatal incident.

The boy was reportedly the last student to disembark the bus that afternoon. An unaware driver started the bus, accidentally running over the child, according to Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) investigators. FHP spokesperson Lt. Tara Crescenzi conveyed how devastating this accident was for both the family and the investigating officers.

The boy died at the scene, outside the Waterford East Apartments in Orange County. During the incident, no other children were on the bus. The 54-year-old male driver, who has ten years of experience, stayed at the scene.

FHP is conducting a thorough investigation, which includes interviewing the driver, inspecting the bus for possible mechanical issues, and reviewing video footage from the bus and nearby surveillance cameras.

Kenia Joachim, a mother of three, spoke about the incident, noting her 7-year-old son was best friends with the victim. She described both children often playing together outside her apartment door or on the playground.

Orange County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Maria Vazquez released a statement that referred to the incident as “the tragic death of one of our precious students.” Vazquez extended her heartfelt thoughts and prayers to the student’s family and the school community.