A shocking incident recently unfolded in the Bronx in New York. A man allegedly pushed his elderly grandmother from a first-floor window, leaving her injured on the pavement, after reportedly attacking his mother. The incident was captured on video, which was later obtained by the media.
The video shows an 88-year-old woman hanging precariously from a window of a building at 1812 Clay Ave. around 7 a.m. on a recent Friday. Her 61-year-old daughter, her clothes stained with blood, is seen standing on the sidewalk below, seemingly trying to communicate with the older woman.
The footage then shows a pair of hands forcefully pushing the elderly woman from the window. She is seen slowly falling out of the window and onto the pavement below. The video reveals the woman rolling over, with apparent injuries to her face.
Ernest Thompson, the superintendent of the building, recounted the horrifying scene. He had rushed outside after hearing the commotion and found his tenants in a state of distress. He described the mother’s injuries as severe, with her neck and side appearing mutilated.
Thompson said he tried to assist the injured woman, telling her to wait while he fetched something to compress her wounds. However, before he could return, he witnessed the shocking sight of the son pushing his grandmother out of the window.
The elderly woman later told police that she had opened the window to call for help as her grandson’s behavior was frightening her. She said that before he pushed her, he had been prodding her as she hung out of the window.
Thompson expressed regret at not being able to prevent the fall. He said he was just a few steps away and could have caught the elderly woman had he turned around quickly enough.