In a shocking incident at a Sonic fast-food restaurant in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a man miraculously survived being stabbed through the head with a flagpole. The Tulsa Police Department reported that the stabbing occurred on Wednesday evening and resulted in the arrest of Clinton Collins, who now faces charges of felony maiming. The victim’s identity has not been disclosed, and no age was provided for Collins.
According to the police statement, the flagpole entered the victim’s head below his jaw and exited near his right temple, with the American flag still attached. Firefighters from the Tulsa Fire Department had to cut part of the flagpole to fit the victim into an ambulance. While the victim is expected to survive, he may lose an eye due to the severity of his injuries.
Witnesses at the scene informed investigators that Collins charged at the victim and stabbed him with the flagpole. The police statement revealed that witnesses overheard Collins saying, “That’s what he gets. He deserved it.” Preston Stanley, a spokesperson for the police department, stated that they could not provide information regarding Collins’ legal representation.
The Tulsa County Clerk of Courts office confirmed that Collins is a member of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation, raising the possibility that his case could be handled in tribal court or in U.S. District Court.
As of Thursday, it remains unclear where Collins’ case will be heard. The Muscogee (Creek) Nation District Court stated that they did not have any information on Collins, noting that it can take a few days for a case to be processed. Records from the U.S. District Court in Oklahoma did not list a case against Collins as of Thursday afternoon. The FBI has declined to provide a comment on the pending case, citing their policy of not discussing ongoing investigations.