In an unsettling incident, two teenage girls were found lifeless at Fayette-Ware High School in Fayette County, Tennessee. Their untimely death has triggered a serious investigation. Another teenager was critically affected by the incident and was quickly transported to the hospital. According to reports, the third teen has since been stabilized.
The causes behind these devastating losses remain uncertain. However, investigators are exploring the possibility of drug overdoses.
The incident occurred on school grounds around 4:40 p.m., casting a grim shadow just hours before the school’s anticipated graduation ceremony. Police responded to reports of two unresponsive individuals.
The school’s statement on social media clarified that the incident unfolded outside the school building. The students were discovered in this outdoor location, leading to immediate emergency responses.
To ensure a thorough investigation, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is lending its expertise to the Fayette County Sheriff’s Office. Fayette-Ware High School, situated approximately 48 miles from Memphis, now finds itself at the center of this tragic event that has left many in mourning and shock.