A tragic incident unfolded at Cable Airport in Upland, Southern California, on Sunday morning, as a small plane crashed into a hangar, resulting in the loss of three lives. The Federal Aviation Administration reported that the single-engine Beechcraft P35 crashed while it was in the process of departing from the airport at approximately 6:30 a.m. local time.
The San Bernardino County Fire Department brought firefighters that swiftly responded to the scene of the crash. These first responders were battling the flames that engulfed the aircraft. Fortunately, they were able to bring the blaze under control within about 20 minutes. In the process, firefighters also faced the additional challenge of protecting the hangar and the fuel truck. These two elements were at risk due to the proximity of the crash site.
The ill-fated plane crash occurred at Cable Airport, located about 35 miles from Los Angeles. The three individuals that lost their lives on the aircraft were the only passengers on board. The hangar, which houses several helicopters belonging to the Ontario Police Department’s Aviation Unit, sustained moderate damage. Pictures from the scene depict debris scattered on the ground and a noticeable hole in the hangar’s side.
A thorough investigation into crash will be conducted. At this time, the victims’ identities have not been publicly disclosed. The National Transportation Safety Board will work diligently to uncover the cause of the crash. Investigators hope that their findings will help to contribute to the overall improvement of aviation safety protocols in the future.