NEWARK, NJ – In a horrifying event this week, a 3-year-old boy in New Jersey was critically injured after reportedly accidentally shooting himself. Newark police were called to a house on Wainwright Street near Bragaw Avenue shortly before 6 p.m. local time on Thursday, Aug. 15.
Upon arrival, police discovered the critically injured toddler along with two unharmed children. Recovering a firearm from the scene, the authorities believe the shooting to be self-inflicted and accidental. The child is currently receiving treatment at University Hospital and is in critical condition.
In the aftermath of the incident, surveillance footage from a neighborhood corner store showed the child’s older brother seeking help, visibly distraught and covered in blood. Following the older sibling back to their home, store associates found the toddler in a dire condition and immediately contacted 911.
The incident has prompted local residents and officials to emphasize the importance of firearm safety, particularly in households with children. The Newark Department of Public Safety issued a statement on social media urging locals to take extra precautions when storing firearms to reduce the risk of such tragic incidents in the future.
This unfortunate incident occurred months after a similar incident where a toddler in Charlotte, North Carolina, died because of a self-inflicted gunshot wound from his mother’s unsecured firearm. This reaffirms the call from experts and officials about the critical need to secure firearms in homes with children to avert such calamities.