A heartbreaking incident unfolded last week in Oklahoma City when twin toddlers, a boy and a girl, drowned in their family’s swimming pool. The great-grandmother, who suffers from Alzheimer’s disease, inadvertently left the back door open. This allowed the 18-month-old children, Locklyn and Loreli, to wander outside and into the pool.
Their mother, Jenny Callazzo, discovered her unconscious children at the bottom of the murky, algae-covered water. Despite efforts to save their lives, the twins were tragically pronounced dead two hours later.
Family members believe the great-grandmother’s Alzheimer’s may have contributed to her leaving the door open, allowing the twins to slip out and into the pool. The authorities are investigating the incident, but they do not suspect any foul play.
Just days before the tragic accident, Jenny had shared photos of her twins playing outside their home. The community is shaken by the sudden loss. Neighbors recalled seeing the distraught mother enter an emergency vehicle as paramedics tried to save her children.
A GoFundMe campaign has been set up to help the family with expenses during this difficult time. The fundraiser acknowledges the twins as beautiful children taken far too soon, and expresses gratitude for the love and support shown by the community.
Laura Gamino, the injury prevention coordinator for trauma at OU Health, urges parents to recognize the potential dangers water can pose to young children. She emphasizes that drowning can occur quickly and quietly, often without any audible signs of distress.
Gamino recommends homeowners with pools install a four-foot-high fence with a secure gate to prevent young children from accessing the area unsupervised. This safety measure could help avoid such tragic accidents in the future.