A chilling incident unfolded late Monday night at an AMC theater in Kent, Washington State, as a 19-year-old was fatally shot, leading to a wave of shock and grief that resonates throughout the community.
Located about 20 miles south of Seattle, the Kent cinema became the site of tragedy when the teenager’s life was abruptly taken. Despite the immediate chaos, his friend, identified as Kevin, stood by his side, ultimately witnessing his demise on the theater’s sidewalk.
Kevin, visibly shaken and marked by the tragic event, revealed to KOMO News that he was there when his friend fell, succumbing to the gunshot. He recalled their desperate dash out of the theater upon hearing the terrifying sound, only for his friend to collapse shortly after.
Kevin, also 19, carried his fatally injured friend in a desperate attempt to save his life. Their friendship, which dates back to the sixth grade, ended tragically just a month after they had celebrated the victim’s birthday together.
At this time, the police have not confirmed any arrests related to the incident. However, early reports suggest the event wasn’t random but appeared to be a targeted act.