A tragic incident unfolded in Chicago over the weekend as an 8-year-old girl was shot and killed by a neighbor. The city experienced a surge in violence, with a total of 27 people being shot. The young victim, identified as Sarabi Medina, was riding her scooter near her home when the gunman, who had previously complained about neighborhood noise, ran over from his apartment and shot her in the head. The girl’s father witnessed the horrifying incident and bravely tackled the assailant. The gunman was injured in the scuffle and is currently in critical condition.
Sarabi Medina, an 8-year-old girl from Chicago, met a heartbreaking end on Saturday evening. As she was heading home from an ice cream truck on her scooter, a neighbor with a history of complaining about noise from children in the neighborhood ran over from his apartment and shot her in the head. The girl’s father, who witnessed the incident, immediately intervened and tackled the gunman. The assailant sustained a gunshot wound above his left eye, and the weapon used in the attack was recovered at the scene. Tragically, Sarabi was pronounced dead at Stroger Hospital.
Neighbors recall the gunman as someone who frequently voiced his displeasure about children playing outside. Megan Kelley, a neighbor of Sarabi’s family, described how the man would often yell about the noise caused by the kids. This is also not the first time the family has been affected by gun violence. Sarabi’s mother was killed in a shooting in 2019, compounding the family’s grief and trauma.
The community has come together to mourn the loss of Sarabi Medina. Stuffed animals and sunflowers have been placed near the scene of the shooting as a tribute to the young girl. Sarabi was set to begin fourth grade at Reinberg Elementary School this fall. The Chicago school district expressed deep sadness over the loss of another young life and extended their thoughts and condolences to all those impacted by this tragedy.
The shooting of Sarabi Medina was part of a violent weekend in Chicago, with a total of 27 people being shot in 25 separate incidents. Seven people lost their lives during these shootings. The surge in violence highlights the ongoing challenges faced by the city in addressing gun violence and ensuring the safety of its residents.