High school student and father arrested for threatening to shoot up school

SAN DIEGO, CA – After allegedly threatening to initiate a shooting at school, a high school student and his father were taken into custody in San Diego on Tuesday. Several reports were received by the San Diego Police Department indicating that the teenager had informed a few students at Rancho Bernardo High School about a planned shooting that was to take place on Tuesday.

The police, in response, filed a gun violence restraining order at the teen’s residence, authorizing the temporary confiscation of firearms from individuals who might pose the risk of causing harm to themselves or others.

Upon visiting the house located not far from the school, detectives discovered a collection of unregistered firearms, explosive materials, rocket-propelled grenades, and other supplies conducive to building rifle and handgun ‘ghost guns.’

Both the teenager and his 45-year-old father, Neil Anders, were arrested on Tuesday. The teenager, whose identity has been withheld due to being a minor, was transported to a juvenile detention center, while his father was booked into San Diego County Jail. The charges they are likely to face haven’t been disclosed by the police.

Authorities have labeled Anders as a ‘doomsday’ survivalist. Although no explosives were found on the school campus during a thorough sweep conducted on Tuesday, there is a continued police presence at the location as a preventive measure.

No one from the family was available for comment when calls were made to their residence on Tuesday. Meanwhile, the Poway Unified School District officials did not respond to a request for comment. However, they noted in a letter addressed to the parents that they plan on closely collaborating with law enforcement and the city attorney’s office to handle the situation appropriately.