PHOENIX, AZ – A heartbreaking episode unfolded in Phoenix as a local mother’s life was tragically cut short in a weekend shooting incident outside a city club. The deadly shooting occurred near 31st Avenue and Indian School Road on Saturday morning. The victim, identified by her family as 29-year-old Ta’Janae Carter was reported shot multiple times.
The victim’s sister, Shant Cunningham, remembered Carter as a person with a big heart, a good sense of humor, and an excellent cook. But what stood out the most was her dedication as a mother. “She was the best mother and nobody can take that from her,” Cunningham said. She further added that Carter was just out enjoying her time with friends on the fatal night. “She was just out having fun. There was an altercation and it just escalated,” Cunningham stated.
Phoenix police reported that the alleged suspect, 24-year-old Teayanna Minter, turned herself in a few hours after the incident. Currently, she is facing a murder charge while police detectives continue to investigate what led to the shooting. Carter’s family disclosed that Carter and Minter were strangers to each other.
The grieving family is struggling to cope with the monstrous loss, urging everyone to remember Carter for her infectious laugh and unique ability to leave others laughing.
To help with the funeral costs, Carter’s family has set up a GoFundMe page.