In a heartwarming turn of events, a one-day-old baby boy was discovered alive in a basket outside a church in Texas after being abandoned in scorching temperatures. Surveillance footage captured a man and a woman leaving the basket with the newborn at the back door of Grissom Road Church before disappearing into the night. Nearly twenty hours later, a passerby noticed the suspicious basket and made a shocking discovery.
The incident took place on July 17 at around 1 a.m. in San Antonio, according to a Crime Stoppers report. The surveillance footage revealed a man and a woman carrying a basket into the church’s parking lot on Lost Lane. They carefully placed the basket, containing the newborn, by the back door before leaving on foot. The temperature that day soared to a dangerous 110 degrees, making the discovery of the baby’s survival even more miraculous.
Nearly twenty hours later, around 8:50 p.m., a person riding a bicycle noticed the basket on the ground, covered by a black jacket. As they approached, they noticed a baby’s leg sticking out. After removing the jacket, they found the newborn inside. Realizing the urgency of the situation, the Good Samaritan immediately contacted the police.
Ximena V. Alvarez, a Public Relations Manager with the San Antonio Police Department, has reportedly confirmed that the baby was not in distress and still had the umbilical cord attached. A note left by an unknown suspect was also found at the scene, raising questions about the identity of the child’s parents. The investigation is ongoing, and Texas Child Protective Services has been notified.
In June, Texas Governor Gregg Abbot signed SB 780, also known as the “Baby Moses” law, which allows families in crisis to surrender newborns to emergency infant care providers using “baby boxes.” These devices will become an option for surrendering a child starting from September 1st, providing accessibility and support to families facing difficult circumstances.