The shocking discovery of two deceased siblings in Gwinnett County has left their family grappling with unanswered questions and profound grief. The bodies of 16-year-old Juan Angel Montes and his sister, 23-year-old Maria Rosario Montes Dorantes, were found on the grassy shoulder of the junction between I-85 and I-985 last Thursday. The Gwinnett County Medical Examiner has attributed their deaths to gunshot wounds, as reported by the Gwinnett County Police.
The bodies were discovered by a passerby who promptly alerted the authorities. No vehicles were found in the vicinity of the crime scene. The police are currently pursuing suspects Manuel Sanchez and Ricardo Montes in connection with the deaths.
The siblings’ mother, who resides in Mexico, is reportedly devastated by the loss of her two remaining children. Lisbet Gonzalez, who is married to a cousin of the victims, has been in contact with the bereaved mother from Texas. She shared that the mother is inconsolable and struggling to come to terms with the tragic loss of her children.
A cousin of the victims, who wishes to remain anonymous, has traveled from Texas to assist the family during this difficult time. Speaking through a translator to local media, he expressed his disbelief and sorrow over the tragic incident.
The family is struggling to comprehend the motives behind the brutal act. They revealed that Maria and Manuel had previously been in a relationship, leading them to suspect that this could be a case of domestic violence. Gonzalez, who had never met Sanchez, mentioned that he had assisted the siblings in their journey to America. She described the relationship between Maria and Manuel as toxic and speculated that Maria’s decision to move on might have been a trigger.
The family is left with more questions than answers. They are particularly puzzled about how the suspect managed to lure both siblings and why he would resort to such a violent act, especially against a minor. The family is also questioning the prospects of justice, given that the suspect had time to flee.
Juan Angel Montes was reportedly not attending school and was working to support his family. Maria Rosario Montes Dorantes was a mother of two, with her youngest child being only two years old. The family can only speculate about the circumstances leading to the tragic incident, expressing doubts that even the police can provide the missing pieces of the case.