LOS ANGELES, CA – In the heart of South Los Angeles, a catastrophic scene unfolded late Sunday night as a tanker truck collided with multiple vehicles on the 110 Freeway, leading to a fiery ordeal that claimed one life and injured two others. The accident, occurring near Manchester Avenue, has resulted in a hazardous material situation due to a substantial jet fuel leak.
Both freeway directions remain closed, creating a significant disruption for Monday commuters. Emergency responders, including hazmat specialists, have been working tirelessly to address the dangerous spill and clear the wreckage.
Amidst the chaos, a dark-colored car ended up wedged under the tanker, the driver tragically losing their life at the scene. Officials from the California Highway Patrol are piecing together the events that led to this deadly entanglement.
According to the Los Angeles Fire Department, it is believed that up to five vehicles may have been involved in the crash. Two additional victims, suffering from minor injuries, were rushed to the hospital, while the tanker truck driver managed to escape with assistance and was taken for medical evaluation.
The tanker was transporting a massive 8,000-gallon load of jet fuel, with an estimated 1,000 gallons spilling onto the freeway. This prompted a swift response from state and local agencies to mitigate the environmental threat.
In an effort to contain the spill, firefighters and Caltrans have deployed absorbent materials, while the tanker company is tasked with safely removing the remaining fuel.
With the cleanup and investigation underway, the reopening of the freeway remains uncertain. Authorities advise drivers to avoid the area and plan alternate routes.
As the investigation continues, the focus remains on understanding the cause of the crash and ensuring the safety of the affected freeway section.