Teen busted for plotting school shooting

ONTARIO, CA – In an alarming incident, an Ontario teenager was charged with attempted murder and terrorist threat on Wednesday. The 18-year-old, who allegedly idolized the notorious Columbine High School shooting, had a detailed blueprint to orchestrate a similar incident at his own school.

The matter was initially brought to the notice of the Ontario Police Department by an official from Ontario Christian High School. The official was alerted by another student who was concerned about Sebastian Villasenor. The 18-year-old was allegedly showing an increasing interest in school shootings and seemed to have wide access to weapons.

According to Ontario Police Department Chief Mike Lorenz, Villasenor had already researched tactical supplies and was in the process of picking a suitable date for his intended attack. When arrested, Villasenor was found in possession of a considerable cache of weapons.

Beyond owning “over a thousand rounds” of ammunition and 11 firearms, among them seven rifles and a shotgun, it emerged that Villasenor had meticulously planned out his intended act of violence.

Chief Lorenz commended Villasenor’s classmate, whose alertness brought about a timely intervention potentially preventing another appalling campus shooting. In Lorenz’s words, the concerned student “saved lives, spared families from losing their children, and a community from being devastated from a senseless act of violence.”

Although Villasenor was not a victim of any school bullying or harassment, he reportedly struggled to make friends at Ontario Christian High School. Villasenor had even considered injuring six specific students, remarked the police chief.

The teenager is now facing charges of attempted terrorist threat and attempted murder.