SYLMAR, CA – A devastating incident unfolded in Southern California earlier this month when a suicidal man jumped off a freeway overpass, landing on a moving vehicle and killing the woman inside. On August 9, authorities responded to a distress call about an individual threatening to jump from the 210 Freeway Roxford overpass in the Sylmar area.
In the vehicle traveling on the freeway below, Margarita Novela Galindo was seated next to her husband, Florencio, on their way out of town for the weekend. The suicidal man leaped off the bridge, broke through the windshield of their car, and severely injured Margarita. While Florencio escaped severe injuries, Margarita was left in critical condition after the incident. She ultimately passed away on Wednesday as a result of her injuries.
David Galindo, their son, recollected the distressing phone call from his father. “Once he told me ambulances were on the way and he pulled over to the side and couldn’t open the doors, that’s when I knew it was serious,” he said.
His thoughts were echoed by Stephanie Galindo, Margarita’s daughter, who lamented, “It could’ve just been two seconds off, two inches away, my mom would’ve been fine.”
Florencio is now grappling with a painful void left by his wife, leaning on his adult children for support. Despite the tragedy, he expressed an understanding for the man whose suicide caused his life partner’s death. A GoFundMe account has been created in order to help the family with funeral expenses.