Four-year-old boy missing, mom and boyfriend charged with his murder

PHILADELPHIA, PA – The search continues for a four-year-old boy, Damari Carter, as his mother and her boyfriend face charges in connection with his murder. Yet, the young boy’s body remains unlocated.

The mother, 28-year-old Dominique Bailey, is facing charges including murder, child endangerment, false reporting, abuse of a corpse, and other related offenses. Bailey’s boyfriend, 30-year-old Kevin Spencer, faces similar charges, with criminal conspiracy and evidence tampering added to his tally.

Investigations commenced on December 30, 2023, on receiving reports of Damari’s disappearance in West Philadelphia. Bailey initially told family members that Damari had been hit and killed by a car- a claim unsupported by any gathered evidence by investigators.

Authorities confronted Bailey on Jan 4, resulting in her admission the following day about her involvement in Damari’s death. Spencer, identified as Bailey’s boyfriend by family members, was apprehended the same day at a house on Reno Street in West Philadelphia. Despite Bailey and Spencer’s arrests and admission, Damari’s remains have yet to be discovered.

The investigation has elicited responses from Damari’s family members, including his father, Darryle Carter. Carter and Bailey, who met in Texas, had a six-year-long relationship before parting ways last year. After their breakup, Bailey relocated to West Philadelphia, taking Damari along, Carter shared.

Carter’s attempts to communicate with his son, last on Damari’s birthday on November 25, 2023, were unsuccessful. As the uncertainty around Damari’s fate grows, Carter finds himself financially incapable of traveling from Texas to Philadelphia.

The escalating situation has the family on high alert, noted Damari’s cousin, Aiyana Parrish. The family fears the worst– that the four-year-old boy fell victim to abuse and possibly beating, as police reports alluded to signs of physical injury.

Anyone with relevant information on Damari Carter’s location is encouraged to contact Philadelphia Police.