New York’s New Draconian Guidelines Are Killing the Restaurant Industry

( – The COVID-19 rules put in place by New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) continue to grow more repressive with each new update. They continually increase the stranglehold that’s threatening to choke out the foodservice industry in America’s largest city, using a premise that science may not prove — to slow the spread of the virus.

The two of them seem to be painting a picture that eateries are a massive source of coronavirus transmission which is belied by their own statistics and targeted only within the bounds of the five boroughs. The numbers from the governor’s office show that only 1.4% of the total exposures between September and November 2020 could be traced back to restaurants and bars.

The owner of Souvlaki GR restaurants in Manhattan broached the subject of targeting only NYC when she said, “in Long Island, customers can sit and eat at the bar” while social distancing but the same cannot be said for the Big Apple.

Neither the governor’s nor the mayor’s office has explained their reasoning for this kind of totalitarian crackdown.

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