Pelosi Won’t Help Pass Trump’s Stimulus For America Because She Has “Leverage”

( – Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has once again shown the far-Left agenda is more important than the American people. The current administration has presented her with a $1.8-trillion COVID-19 relief package that she rejected even while her Democrat colleagues have urged her to accept it.

During an interview with Wolf Blitzer on CNN, the speaker apparently went off the rails when questioned on this. The talk show host said to her “[p]eople in need can’t wait until February, $1.8 trillion is significant…”

It was at this point Pelosi exploded and claimed that people at one of the most Liberal-biased networks are “apologists for the Republican position.” How biased are they? The article that recounted her ranting said they “believe Pelosi to be the best congressional strategist of her generation – bar none.”

The Liberals are sure to use the lack of a new stimulus package as a weapon against President Donald Trump in the closing weeks before the November election. If Joe Biden or, potentially, Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) becomes president, then they would probably reward Pelosi handsomely for her “loyalty.”

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