On Friday night, a tragic incident unfolded at a school sporting event in Louisiana. Gunfire broke out at the event, resulting in the death of a 16-year-old and the injury of a 28-year-old. The shooting occurred outside a stadium belonging to the West Baton Rouge School District during a football game between Port Allen High School and Brusly High School. The West Baton Rouge School Board expressed deep sadness over the incident and pledged to support the affected families and assist law enforcement in their investigation.
The West Baton Rouge School Board released a statement expressing their grief and concern following the shooting at the Port Allen High/Brusly High football game. They emphasized their immediate focus on providing assistance to the family of the deceased student and supporting all students affected by the tragedy. Additionally, the board pledged to collaborate with the West Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office during the investigation. Despite the presence of extra security at the game, the tragic incident occurred, prompting the board to request prayers for all those involved. Crisis teams will be available to provide support to students when classes resume on Tuesday, and increased security measures will be implemented in schools during the coming period.
The victim, a 16-year-old, sustained a gunshot wound to the head and was rushed to a local hospital, where they tragically succumbed to their injuries. The second victim, a 28-year-old, was shot in the arm. At this time, the identities of the victims have not been disclosed beyond their ages. Superintendent Chandler Smith expressed the school district’s commitment to reinforcing programs that teach students conflict resolution skills. He emphasized the need to collaborate with law enforcement agencies and the District Attorney’s Office to educate students about the devastating consequences of violence.
Following the incident, officials made the difficult decision to end the game at halftime. Bystanders were swiftly evacuated from the area as medical personnel and law enforcement arrived at the scene. The investigation into the shooting is ongoing, and authorities have yet to identify a suspect.