A devastating incident in Cottonwood, Arizona, has left a family in mourning after a 13-month-old girl lost her life. The Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office (YCSO) reported that the child’s mother accidentally ran over her with her car. The heartbreaking accident occurred as the mother was maneuvering her vehicle out of a tight space near their residence. Despite immediate medical attention, the infant succumbed to her injuries at the Verde Valley Medical Center. The YCSO is currently conducting a thorough investigation into the incident.
According to the YCSO, the mother had parked her car in a gravel area next to their home and was attempting to reposition it. Simultaneously, she was securing her child in a car seat, believing it to be a safe location. Unfortunately, as the mother adjusted the vehicle, the front tire caught the canopy of the car seat, causing it to fall backward and resulting in critical injuries to the infant. Medical personnel were already on the scene and performed life-saving measures, but their efforts were in vain.
The family has set up a GoFundMe page to cover the final expenses and alleviate some of the financial burdens during this unimaginably difficult time. The child’s uncle, Warren, identified her as Cyra Rose Thoeming and described the incident as a “terribly tragic automobile accident.” He fondly remembered Cyra as a bright light in the world, bringing joy to everyone she encountered. Her love for the outdoors, nature, family, animals, and water made her presence unforgettable. The GoFundMe campaign has surpassed its initial goal of $10,400, with donations reaching $11,632 as of Sunday.
The YCSO’s Criminal Investigations Bureau is actively investigating the circumstances surrounding the accident. While the incident appears to be a tragic accident, authorities are conducting a thorough examination to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the events leading up to the child’s untimely death.