(ConservativeStar.com) – Dr. Anthony Fauci of the CDC has given two recent updates on the COVID-19 pandemic and neither of them is likely to boost the spirit of a weary nation. Both of them involve extended timelines, in their own way.
Pointing to figures he considers accurate, Fauci feels that we’re not seeing multiple waves of the virus, but instead experiencing “an elongated and exacerbation of the original first wave.” He noted that on October 23, the United States reported more than 85,000 new cases, marking the single-day record.
ALERT: Fauci Says the First Wave of COVID-19 Never Ended in the
U.S., Current Spike Is Just an 'Exacerbation' – Global Pandemic News | #Coronavirus #COVID19 #Protests – https://t.co/3ClEoJz4NG pic.twitter.com/zycCjko2sh— GlobalPandemic.NET (@GlobalPandemics) October 26, 2020
Earlier this year in March, during a “60 Minutes” interview, he said face coverings weren’t necessary with the only benefit being that people might “feel a little better.” His most recent opinion is we’ll need masks and social-distancing protocols into at least early 2022, even if there’s a vaccine.
Using the word “unprecedented” in terms of coronavirus may seem overused, but that doesn’t make it any less true. During the bird flu pandemic of 1918, the world was not as interconnected as it is now, leaving the experts with no baseline to predict the course that it will take.
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