Why We Can’t Isolate Ourselves From the Rest of the World

As the world’s only real superpower, the US has to pay a lot of attention to its foreign policy. Isolationism can be tempting but we’ve tried that before, in the 1930s, and it didn’t work out so well. Do we really want to risk allowing another Nazi Germany to rise? No. On top of that, foreign policy is also vital to the trade our economy depends on. Unfortunately, foreign policy is complicated — and, on …


How the Left Influences Our Kids

Each generation in America has its own culture, which can make it difficult for parents and children to relate with each other. Sure, the “kids will be kids” adage still holds true and teens may still complain about “unfairness” or how their parents just “don’t understand.” Even still, our impressionable youth take to certain cultural norms that their parents may not be familiar with. This youngest generation’s culture of openness and acceptance provides plenty of …


The 1st Amendment in Today’s Political Climate

The top article listed in the Bill of Rights and appended to the US Constitution is, arguably, first among equals. In it, the founders enshrined the peoples’ rights to free speech, freedom of assembly and the right to freely exercise their religion. There are limits, of course, as with anything. A religion based on human sacrifice would not be allowed, nor would a newspaper ad calling for someone’s murder. Parts of society today, however, don’t need …


Immigration in Numbers: The Real Threat to the US

The news is full of talk about “children in cages” and illegal asylum practices, but these issues are largely based on opinion. Very rarely do you hear the real numbers behind the rising immigration issues. Legal Migration The US, like most other countries, has a process by which non-citizens can migrate to America. Currently, the US offers 675,000 visas a year, with no limit on the number of relatives that the visa-holder can bring in. …


America’s Healthcare Debate

Ever since former President Barack Obama decided to overhaul America’s healthcare system with his failed Affordable Care Act (ACA), who will pay for the rising cost of our nation’s healthcare — and how — has been a hot topic of debate. With the 2020 elections looming on the horizon, the issue is getting more attention than ever. 2020 Election Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are the Democrats currently leading the presidential race, and …


Where Have Our American Values Gone?

It’s normal for values to change with each new generation, but millennials have taken things to the extreme. They’re now eschewing the values that the generations before them fought to uphold. Patriotism Having pride in your birth country was something that, until recently, was never questioned, especially when you’re born into a great country like the United States. Since President Trump has been in office, many in the younger generation decided it was okay to …


What’s the Real Deal With Gun Control?

US politics today is about as hyper-partisan as it’s ever been, but even in this climate, few topics cause as much heated debate as gun control. It’s a hot-button issue that goes to the heart of both Conservative and Liberal politics. Are Liberals trying to disarm us in preparation for a dictatorship? Is the Republican Party just the political wing of the NRA? Among all of the hysterical claims, it’s easy to lose sight of …


The Electoral College: Do We Really Need It?

The results of the 2016 Presidential Election had Hillary Clinton with more popular votes while Donald Trump accrued more than the prerequisite 271 electoral votes. This has brought the Electoral College to the forefront of American politics, even though this is only one of five times this has happened. Presidents who didn’t win the popular vote include: John Quincy Adams Rutherford B. Hayes Benjamin Harrison George W. Bush Donald Trump So, while it’s an unusual …


Red Flag Laws: Why You Should Be Concerned

Over the last several months, you’ve likely heard the term “Red Flag” Law come up in conversation — it’s quite a hot topic. Some of you may have even wondered what the heck does that really mean? Red flag laws, enacted by individual states and not nationwide, are used by gun control activists to circumvent the 2nd Amendment in certain circumstances. It should be no surprise then, that of the states that have put these …


How to Hack-Proof Your Passwords

If this year brought nothing else, it offered the stark realization that Americans are quite vulnerable when it comes to their digital security. People who are lazy with their digital security are far more likely to be victims of identity theft, fraud, and financial losses. The most important step to protecting your digital self is to begin using fresh non-portable passwords immediately. Here’s how you do it: Create a 7-9 character root password with at …
